Job Opportunities for Retired Seniors 

Job Opportunities for Retired Seniors 

Even after you’ve retired, you might not want to completely give up on the working world. Maybe you still need some income, or you just want to keep using your skills and experience. Some people struggle with isolation or a lack of purpose after retiring, and working can be a good social outlet that gets you out into the world. There are several ways retired seniors can find ways to keep working. Here are a few of our favorite types of jobs for retired seniors. 

The Gig Economy 

Committing to a regular job — even a part-time one — might not be exactly what you want in retirement. If you want to keep working while retaining flexibility, consider the gig economy. Depending on your skill set, you could find work writing web content, doing administrative work online, or driving for a ridesharing service. While these kinds of jobs may not offer a great deal of stability or benefits, they do provide flexibility and the power to set your own work schedule. 

 You could also find temporary work through an agency, taking some of the responsibility for finding gigs off of your own shoulders. 

Part-Time Work 

If you want something more stable than a freelance gig, but still want to enjoy your retirement, consider finding part-time employment. Retailers, restaurants, nonprofits, and other organizations are likely to have jobs ranging from a few hours a week to close to full-time. You could also look for seasonal work at resorts and vacation destinations, giving yourself plenty of time off to enjoy travel and your favorite activities. 

Become an Entrepreneur 

Maybe you want to work, but you’re not excited about having a boss anymore. Consider starting your own business. While being an entrepreneur isn’t easy, you do get to work for yourself and enjoy the satisfaction of creating your own business. You can also tailor your business to your own interests, and even turn a hobby into a business opportunity. The possibilities are almost endless, but some fields to consider include creating and selling food or craft products, consulting in your prior field, or offering services like pet sitting. 

What You Need 

If you’re looking for employment post-retirement, you’ll need a few basic tools. First, make sure your resume and references are up-to-date. If you’re starting your own businesses, consider taking a basic business training class to brush up on your entrepreneurial skills. If you’re going to work online from home, you need a reliable computer and a solid internet connection. 

The most important tool in today’s working world might be a smartphone. Whether you’ll be using an app to find work in the gig economy, keeping track of a part-time work schedule, or making important contacts for your own business, a smartphone is a must for finding the best opportunities and staying in touch with colleagues. While smartphones can be expensive, you can find affordable options by searching for models that meet your needs (without lots of bells and whistles) and keeping an eye out for deals on your preferred model. For example, you can find an iPhone 6s or an Android phone like the Galaxy A10e for under $200. Additionally, if you don’t already have an unlimited data, text, and call plan, then you should look into upgrading your service so you won’t have to worry about things like overage charges. 

 So, with the right tools and outlook, you can find work in retirement that works for your interests, your schedule, and your income needs. Consider your physical abilities, your skills and experience, and how much time you’d like to commit to post-retirement employment when looking for work. The right job can give you satisfaction, income, and flexibility while keeping you engaged with the working world. 

 Image via Unsplash 

Guest Post by Sharon Wagner of Senior Friendly